Call Graph Profiling in Four Easy Steps

This page describes how to instrument and profile an application program using CGProfile. We will use notepad.exe as an example.

Step 1. Setup

An experiment folder has been created for you during the installation. You can double-click the Etch Call Graph Profiler icon in the Etch Tools folder, and a new shell will open up in that directory. Alternatively, you can make your own project directory and CD to it:
	mkdir myexperiment
	cd myexperiment
All instrumented code goes here. Your original program and system DLLs will be left alone.

Step 2. DLLWatch

Identify the modules used during a run of your application. CGInstrument implements a /dllwatch option that sets up a list of the modules used during a run the application:
	cginstrument /dllwatch notepad.exe
This step is optional; if you don't discover all the modules ahead of time, Etch will detect and instrument them during the profiled run of the application. This is called on-the-fly instrumentation.

Step 3. Instrumentation

Use CGInstrument to create an instrumented version of the application.
	cginstrument notepad.exe
CGInstrument will process each module used by the application and generate a new profiled version of the module. In addition to instrumenting the procedures, CGInstrument will also update the program's import tables so that profiled versions of the application modules will be used at run-time.

Step 4. Profile Generation

Run the instrumented executable to generate raw profile information.
When the run of application completes, you can use CGProfile to process the raw profile samples.
	cgprofile /html > cgprof.html
Now open cgprof.html in a web browser. Step 4 can be repeated to generate profiles for multiple application inputs.


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